Valentine lost 17kg and got off all his medication!

Valentine, 46yrs old and from Delahey in Victoria.
Over the years I could feel my health suffering due to my poor lifestyle choices of beer and food binging. I was constantly bloated and suffered a lot of indigestion and heartburn once I tried going to sleep and averaging 4-5hrs sleep, even putting socks on was starting to become an effort.
High blood pressure runs in my family so I've been on medication to control that for well over 15years. Complacency and laziness got me to this point in my life and feeling run down all the time from work definitely didn't help.
They say it takes 1 photo to make you want to change things, I hated seeing myself in pics but thank God I could see what I was becoming and put a stop to it.
I knew I had to change my lifestyle choices as it was affecting me both physically and emotionally, I felt if I kept going down that path I wouldn't be the best I could be for my four beautiful girls and loving wife. So I knew things needed to change drastically.
One of my biggest hurdles at the start was to reduce my 2-3 slab of beer a week habit. I still love a beer but am now a lot more conscious. Seeing the weight fall off so soon was definitely enough encouragement to jump that roadblock.
The Man Shake kept popping up here and there on social media but I was sceptical as I've tried eating healthy for a while with very slow or near to no results. I decided to use The Man Shake as it was different to anything I've ever tried.
I have lost 17kg since I started TMS 2months and 3weeks ago.
The many changes it has made to my life since starting is fantastic.
The amount of energy I have to keep me going all day is incredible, I no longer feel exhausted from a full-on days work, no longer bloated, haven't had heartburn or indigestion since starting and my sleeping has massively improved with a good 8-9hrs sleep a night.
My doctor has also taken me off my medication. TMS has changed my mindset towards not only my eating habits but the rest of my families.
TMS was so easy to adjust into my daily life as it was a quick and easy meal to prepare that tasted great.
I would highly recommend TMS without a doubt as I found it to be a permanent change in lifestyle and not a fad diet. Great way to break bad habits and put you in that proper mindset to enjoy a better me.
I've been on 1 shake a day now for well over a month and will continue with TMS as it's such a great and easy breaky to have on the go.
I also have it as it's a constant reminder of all the hard work I've done to get me to this stage in life so far. I only wish I did it a lot earlier in life.
If you want a better version of yourself it definitely is a brainer, Never give up.
Thank you Man Shake.