The East Ulverstone Crows Weight Loss Diary

In early April, we received an email from The East Ulverstone Football Club. They wanted to “create a conversation within the country football community and inspire others to make conscious choices to improve their health and wellbeing” by completing a 60-day health and wellbeing challenge and asked if The Man Shake would help them out.
So we did!
Each week we will be sharing the results, stories, success and challenges of the team.
Name | Start | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Difference | Percentage Lost |
Daz | 117.9kg | 111.5kg | 109.4kg | 107.9kg | 106.5kg | 105.3kg | 104.9kg | 103.4kg | 102kg | 100.3kg | 17.6kg | 14.93% |
Brodey | 142.3kg | 139.4kg | 136.6kg | 133.6kg | 135.3kg | 133.2kg | 132.3kg | 131.5kg | 132.8kg | 131.4kg | 10.9kg | 7.66% |
Lochley | 221kg | 217kg | 216kg | 213kg | 212kg | 212kg | 210.5kg | 209kg | 208kg | 209kg | 12kg | 5.43% |
Wayne | 110.6kg | 110.8kg | 110.9kg | 109.3kg | 107.3kg | - | - | - | - | - | 3.3kg | 2.98% |
Brad | 151kg | 146.2kg | 143kg | 141.6kg | 140.8kg | 140.1kg | 139.3kg | 137.9kg | 137.8kg | 133.1kg | 17.9kg | 11.8 |
Sharlee | 115.8kg | 113kg | 111.7kg | 110.5kg | 108.4kg | 107.9kg | 107.7kg | 106.7kg | 106.7kg | 105.5kg | 10.3kg | 8.89% |
Simon | 125kg | 121.7kg | 120.9kg | 120.1kg | 119.9kg | 119.4kg | 118.8kg | 118.7kg | 118.7kg | 118.1kg | 6.9kg | 5.52% |
Total | 983.6kg | 959.6kg | 948.5kg | 936kg | 930.2kg | 925.2kg | 920.8kg | 914.5kg | 913.3kg | 904.7kg | 78.9kg | 8.02% |
A ripper start to the challenge overall with five out of the seven seeing a drop in the scales (Simon wasn’t able to make the weigh-in day).
As a team, they started at a total of 983.6kg. With the results in the record books at 962.9, that's a collective loss of 20.7kg so far!
From chatting with the The Crows, we have heard that the inspiration is already spreading. Other local clubs are stepping up to the challenge. Even the kitchen crew have switched up the menu to better support everyone. In one week we are already seeing the incredible power of community support. Well done team.
We were having a chat with the team over the week and they are genuinely taken aback by the positive support from you all!
On the back of amazing Week 1 results, everyone is stepping up their game.
Sharlee has been smashing the bike with 15km rides.
Brad has been hitting up the treadmill and is making positive changes to his lifestyle. Gone are a couple of bourbons and potato chips to end their day. Now it's a glass a milk and rice cakes.
Alongside Brodey, the two have even been able to break the temptation of the weekly Friday KFC lunch!
In only three weeks we have seen Daz be the first of the team to hit 10kgs total lost. An incredible achievement!
But he can't get too cosy and the lead with both Brad and Brodey nipping at his heels.
Wayne has joined the leaderboard this week. With a slow start he has tweaked his Man Shake routine to best support him and the results are now coming in.
This week we saw a second pass the 10kg lost line (well done to Brad!) with another right around the corner.
During this week the team had a video call chat with Ryan, The Man Shake Community Manager, for a check in and deep dive into how their collective journey is going.
With Brodey having a gain this week, together they discussed what this could mean, how it could happen, and how to stay motivated when it does.
In true community fashion everyone had each other's backs and are nothing but supportive.
They also wanted to pass on their thanks to The Man and Lady Shakers out there for their kind and encouraging words. The Crows feel like little celebrities and are beyond grateful.
Sadly, we are kicking this week off with some bad news.
Wayne, by doctor's orders, has had to step away from this challenge. As the weeks have progressed some health issues have popped up and they need to be focussed on.
But it isn't all bad news. Wayne will still be there every week supporting the team and, if it wasn't for him raising his hand and attempting this challenge, he would not have become aware of what his body was trying to say to him. We wish Wayne all the best and hope he gets well soon!
For the others, it hasn't been a big week for results. Although there were loses but not in line with previous weeks.
This is something that near everyone who takes on a weight loss journey will experience. It's like you hit a point where your body wants to fight back! Thankfully the team are still positive and have each other for support.
If anything this gives them the space to have a bigger loss next week ;)
A lot to celebrate this week...
Both Lochley and Brodey are now joining Daz and Brad in over Double-Digits-Gone club! HUGE celebration to all four gents for hitting an incredible milestone on their weight loss journies.
Speaking of Lochley, you may notice his photo this week is a little bit different. See, the scales the team use to weigh in each week caps out at 200kgs which put him in a bit of a tricky situation. So to get their results he has had to weigh himself on the cattle scales at his farm. Absolute respect to Lochley for his willingness to share, what is understandably, a very vulnerable moment. We know there are a stack of guys out there who appreciate his openess and courage. We here at The Man Shake certainly do!
A weight loss journey can be a very isolating, self focussed, and taxing venture. So this week the team wanted to pass on their thanks to the important people around them who have supported them along the way, adjusted their lives to help them out, and show them real and true community support.
The Crows are in the home stretch now!
As we rapidly approach the end of the 60-Day Challenge, we can say with absolute confidence that everyone has smashed it.
We wouldn't be surprised if 5/6 of the crew passed the 10kg mark and two over the 15kg line.
Make sure to check out their latest video update too as the team share their recommended new Man Shake flavours.
It's the second last weigh-in for The Crows...
A bit of fun over the long weekend has slowed the scales for a couple of the guys, but this isn't a bad thing!
The crew understand that The Man Shake is about "losing all the weight, without losing all the things you love" and just because you are on a health journey, it doesn't mean you have to stop being social and enjoying yourself.
In this week's video, the team look back on their original goals for The 60-Day Challenge and whether they feel they have achieved them.
It was great to see that even though some may not have hit their goal in the set time frame, they have the self-understanding to know it doesn't mean failure but a change to realign the goalposts (pun intended) and keep working.
The 60-Day Health and Wellbeing Challenge for The East Ulverstone Crows has ended.
Over 700 Shakes were shared and 78.9kgs were lost together.
But it's not all over just yet... There is still a game to play!
That's right! On August 3rd everyone in this challenge will be hitting the field to put their new bodies to the test.
Until then, the team are still on their weight loss journeys in secret with the ultimate weigh-in on game day.
Wish them luck!
You can follow their journey across our social media - Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and X.