Matt Lost 30kg And Had More Energy Than He Had In Years

My name's Matt, I am 37 and from Brisbane. My weight loss journey began in 2015 after 32 years of a weight gain journey. I’d always been big as a kid and teenager then into my 20’s I seemed to level out. I ate a fair amount of junk food while spending 7 and a half years living in America during the ages of 18-26, but I was moderately active with a decent amount of walking and hiking and generally just being outdoors.
I never took regular readings of the scale but my clothes never seemed to get tight so I figured I was going ok. Then I moved back to Australia in 2009 and slowly I noticed clothes getting tighter and having to buy bigger sizes. I soon got engaged and married and really let it get out of control until in 2015 when I was at a party and saw a candid photo of myself get tagged on Facebook and it hit home hard for me. I had no chin. Just a mass of face fat and it disgusted me.
I was a dad of a child who had just turned one year old and after I saw that photo I weighed myself and was mortified to see the scales read 146kg. I knew a change had to happen if I wanted to be active with my son when he was older or even if I wanted to be alive for him.
I started by walking and trying to eat healthier. I soon incorporated The Man Shake after hearing about it on the radio and on Facebook and joined a gym to begin resistance training which became addictive and I saw myself going 3-6 times a week to lift weights and do cardio. In about 7 months I had dropped 30kg by incorporating all of these strategies and felt better than I had in years. I had more energy in my 30’s than I had in my early 20’s and I was able to keep up with my son.
My biggest roadblock was the start; at such a heavyweight it was exhausting just starting to exercise and my knees couldn’t handle a lot of cardio right at the beginning but I stuck to it and gradually gained more stamina and as the weight came off so did the stress on my knees.
In the time since I’ve managed to maintain that loss by paying attention to my lifestyle choices. I enjoy cheat meals here and there and occasionally cheat meals turn into weekends or something else happens like Christmas season or the current pandemic and I see myself start to gain weight again slowly so I’ll get back on The Man Shakes to essentially reset myself and kickstart my goals again.
I enjoy having The Man Shake as an energizing breakfast that doesn’t cause bloat and provides me with what I need to be able to start the day right and be able to exercise soon afterward without causing stomach cramps from a bigger breakfast choice.
I recommend The Man Shake to anyone looking to get healthier and drop some weight because I find the shakes will always fill me and never cause me to feel hungry or like I’m missing out on anything.
To anyone looking to start a health journey, my advice is to just start small with what changes you can manage and continue to build upon that. I started out at 146kg and would get tired walking up a flight of stairs. Now I do taekwondo alongside my son and regularly partake in 5km events and even just did my first half marathon this year.
All great changes begin with a single thought.
I never took regular readings of the scale but my clothes never seemed to get tight so I figured I was going ok. Then I moved back to Australia in 2009 and slowly I noticed clothes getting tighter and having to buy bigger sizes. I soon got engaged and married and really let it get out of control until in 2015 when I was at a party and saw a candid photo of myself get tagged on Facebook and it hit home hard for me. I had no chin. Just a mass of face fat and it disgusted me.
I was a dad of a child who had just turned one year old and after I saw that photo I weighed myself and was mortified to see the scales read 146kg. I knew a change had to happen if I wanted to be active with my son when he was older or even if I wanted to be alive for him.
I started by walking and trying to eat healthier. I soon incorporated The Man Shake after hearing about it on the radio and on Facebook and joined a gym to begin resistance training which became addictive and I saw myself going 3-6 times a week to lift weights and do cardio. In about 7 months I had dropped 30kg by incorporating all of these strategies and felt better than I had in years. I had more energy in my 30’s than I had in my early 20’s and I was able to keep up with my son.
My biggest roadblock was the start; at such a heavyweight it was exhausting just starting to exercise and my knees couldn’t handle a lot of cardio right at the beginning but I stuck to it and gradually gained more stamina and as the weight came off so did the stress on my knees.
In the time since I’ve managed to maintain that loss by paying attention to my lifestyle choices. I enjoy cheat meals here and there and occasionally cheat meals turn into weekends or something else happens like Christmas season or the current pandemic and I see myself start to gain weight again slowly so I’ll get back on The Man Shakes to essentially reset myself and kickstart my goals again.
I enjoy having The Man Shake as an energizing breakfast that doesn’t cause bloat and provides me with what I need to be able to start the day right and be able to exercise soon afterward without causing stomach cramps from a bigger breakfast choice.
I recommend The Man Shake to anyone looking to get healthier and drop some weight because I find the shakes will always fill me and never cause me to feel hungry or like I’m missing out on anything.
To anyone looking to start a health journey, my advice is to just start small with what changes you can manage and continue to build upon that. I started out at 146kg and would get tired walking up a flight of stairs. Now I do taekwondo alongside my son and regularly partake in 5km events and even just did my first half marathon this year.
All great changes begin with a single thought.