Matt lost 28kg after battling depression, back pain and a divorce!

My Name is Matthew Kurtze from Portland Victoria and I have lost over 28kgs using The Man Shake since New years day 2021.
A brief backstory on my health is that I suffer from depression and back problems, going thru a lot of being bullied in my younger years, and also divorce in the past decade didn't help my weight.
The first sign that I needed to do something about my weight was that I was unable to do a lot of things I liked to do. It made me think I would not be around much longer if I kept putting weight on.
I started thinking of my kids and wonderful girlfriend that is my family that I want to be around.
I saw a Man Shake advert on Facebook and said to myself this is my chance to bounce back as nothing else was working for example KETO diet.
My biggest roadblock to losing weight and getting healthy was the fact I enjoyed a lot of takeaway foods. Not to mention soft and alcoholic drinks along with no exercise.
I overcome this by limiting these intakes to a minimum and started walking every 2nd day. It was hard but I got there and the results show. The Man Shake has fit into my routine nicely every day.
These days I am fitting into clothes that I have not been in for a long time and they are loose around me. I am feeling great but I know I can do more.
I would recommend The Man Shake to my friends and everyone out there because I'm living proof it works and with hard work, the results show. Taking the highs with the lows and the support from other Man Shakers you can lose weight too.
I will be continuing with The Man Shake as I have goals to smash plus I need to maintain my weight and health.
If I was to motivate a new person on the program I would show them my before and after photos plus I would talk to them about small exercises that have helped me along the way and just let them know to stick at it if they start as there is proof in the end.