Lyam's 50kg Weight Loss Journey

Hey, I’m Lyam. I’m 29, live in Murwillumbah NSW, and this is how I lost 50kgs.
Back in 2016, I was sitting at 110kgs and I’m only 161cm tall! I very slowly got down to the high 80s between 2017 and 2021 by making changes to my diet. But in April 2021 I started The Man Shake and got down to 60kg a year later.
“I was overweight, unemployed, unhealthy, and unhappy”
The thing that motivated me to start The Man Shake was the realisation that my weight and bad diet had been holding me back from the life I wanted. I was overweight, unemployed, unhealthy, and unhappy.
A stern word from my dentist was the kick in the butt that I needed. I was done with getting fillings and teeth removed. I made the choice to get up and do something about my diet and improve my health. I also had some surgery planned and dropping some weight would only make it easier.
“…great for a lazy guy like me!”
My big addiction was sugary food, Milo, and flavoured milk multiple times a day. With The Man Shakes having a similar texture and flavour, without all the bad, it was easy to swap over.
My routine with The Man Shake was a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and then just a regular meal for dinner, with a small snack between meals. I didn’t hit the gym or add any extra exercise to my routine.
The thing I liked most was that you could still lose weight without any extra exercise, which was great for a lazy guy like me! I did try other meal replacement shakes, but the serving sizes of the others weren't as filling as The Man Shake, were more expensive, or were linked to some sort of pyramid scheme.
I lost over 25kg on the shakes within 12 months, which is quicker than the few years it took me to slowly drop the first 25kg on my own!
Speaking of costs, I was on the dole at the time, so money was tight. But when I worked out how much each serve cost, it was easy to see how it was actually worth it! Didn't even have to break the bank. I could also take it with me in a shaker in my backpack, to drink if I wasn't home.
My favourite flavour is Birthday Cake (sorry lads, it's a limited edition flavour!), no question, followed by Cookies & Cream, Strawberry, and then Chocolate. I grab the Buy 3 Get 1 Free deal as you can’t argue with the savings. I found I was able to stick to the shakes while being unemployed and on the dole. And all you do is add water, so it’s easy to take with you to drink on the go!
“I have so much more self-confidence and feel a lot more at home in my body”
I’m now fit, healthy, happy, and able to easily walk a few kilometres to and from work. That’s right! I’m also working a Full-Time job that has me on my feet all day and doing heavy lifting. This would have killed me when I was fat and had high blood pressure!
I’ve gone from wearing a size XXL in shirts to a Medium, and size 40inch to 30inch in pants. I’ve been able to finally enjoy life again since losing the weight, rather than having my weight hold me back.
I have so much more self-confidence and feel a lot more at home in my body. I’ve also been approved for chest surgery now that I’ve reached a healthy BMI (I’m transgender FtM) which wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t get on the shakes! So, I’m keen for next summer when I can finally go to the beach and swim in the ocean shirtless in the body I’ve dreamt of!
For anyone looking to try The Man Shake, I’d highly recommend giving them a go! The shakes don’t just provide you with weight loss, it’s a life changer and make losing weight so easy. And don’t give up if you fall off the wagon, we all do at times! The Man Shakers group on Facebook is also an awesome source of inspiration and support, from other blokes that are on the same journey.