Keith Lost 28kg and Got His Life Back

My name is Keith, I am 53 years old and live in north-west Sydney.
In January of this year, my wife took a photo of me with my shirt off at the mud baths when we were in Fiji. I felt disgusted when I saw the image. I thought I was carrying just a bit of extra weight, not realising I was as overweight as I was (body beautiful).
I saw an advert for the Man Shake while watching TV. After a couple of days thinking about it, I spoke with my wife and suggested that we start on The Man Shakes.
She has tried many different diets over the years with limited success. Between the two of us, we decided to start the shakes together and this has proven to be life-changing for both of us.
I started on my Man Shake journey in late February at 123.7kg. After 14 weeks I have lost 28.1kg!
I am really impressed with the shakes and how easy and convenient they are. Previously, I wouldn’t eat breakfast or lunch and when I got home from work, I would rummage through the fridge and pantry looking for food because I was starving.
Then an hour and a half later I would eat a massive dinner. Introducing The Man Shake into my life has been so easy because before I go to bed each night I prepare my shakes and organise my snacks, usually a piece of fruit, celery, carrot sticks and a man bar. Then I grab four 600ml bottles of cold water on my way out in the morning and put them into my cooler bag with my shakes and snacks.
This used to keep my wife awake at night. Happy wife, happy life!
I have recommended the Man Shake to family members and friends who after seeing the results we have had, have started shaking as well. I would highly recommend the Man Shake to anyone wanting to lose weight and to not keep putting it off otherwise it’s another day you have wasted in improving your health.
In January of this year, my wife took a photo of me with my shirt off at the mud baths when we were in Fiji. I felt disgusted when I saw the image. I thought I was carrying just a bit of extra weight, not realising I was as overweight as I was (body beautiful).
I start work early and work long hours, my feet were swollen in the afternoons and I was always exhausted. I suffer from a very bad back and carrying all the extra weight was making the back pain worse as well as swollen knees and ankles. I am not a massive drinker but I love my food!
I realised that this sort of lifestyle needed to change as I wanted to see my kids and grandkids grow older, as well my wife was constantly telling me I needed to do something about my health. I knew I couldn’t go to the gym because of my back issues so I needed an alternative.
I saw an advert for the Man Shake while watching TV. After a couple of days thinking about it, I spoke with my wife and suggested that we start on The Man Shakes.
She has tried many different diets over the years with limited success. Between the two of us, we decided to start the shakes together and this has proven to be life-changing for both of us.
I started on my Man Shake journey in late February at 123.7kg. After 14 weeks I have lost 28.1kg!
I am really impressed with the shakes and how easy and convenient they are. Previously, I wouldn’t eat breakfast or lunch and when I got home from work, I would rummage through the fridge and pantry looking for food because I was starving.
Then an hour and a half later I would eat a massive dinner. Introducing The Man Shake into my life has been so easy because before I go to bed each night I prepare my shakes and organise my snacks, usually a piece of fruit, celery, carrot sticks and a man bar. Then I grab four 600ml bottles of cold water on my way out in the morning and put them into my cooler bag with my shakes and snacks.
My wife and I briskly walk 4km every day and 8km each Saturday and Sunday. Prior to losing weight, I couldn’t walk 4 minutes let alone 4km without using my Ventolin (or calling an uber!). Another huge benefit has been that I have stopped snoring (sleep apnoea) after being a chronic snorer for most of my adult life.
This used to keep my wife awake at night. Happy wife, happy life!
It's amazing when I see people who haven’t seen me in ages, notice how much weight I have lost and this is all due to the Man Shake. My wife has also had great success using the Lady Shake.
I have recommended the Man Shake to family members and friends who after seeing the results we have had, have started shaking as well. I would highly recommend the Man Shake to anyone wanting to lose weight and to not keep putting it off otherwise it’s another day you have wasted in improving your health.
Once I reach my goal weight, I will follow the standard weight loss program and have one shake a day for breakfast. I will introduce a healthy lunch and continue healthy snacks and lean meals because I'm not going back to how I was!
Keep on shaking, guys!