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Brett Was Dragging His Family Down With His Bad Health Until He Lost 28kg


Hi fellow Man Shakers! I’m Brett and this is how I lost 28kg.

I had spent time in The Man Shakers community group over on Facebook watching and following so many amazing journeys, but five months ago I decided it was my time. It all started in December 2023 with the scales sitting at 105kg.

I have two children, one 13 and one 10. I was unmotivated and overweight, which in turn, I was making every excuse under the sun as to why I wouldn't go and play with them. This had to change, as I was always the dad who would always go water skiing with them, kick the footy and chase them around the backyard. I really did feel like, I had lost it as a good father.

My health was also on the decline, my blood pressure was borderline high. This was a rude awakening as I had always been spot on with all of my health throughout my life. From this, I just felt like I had lost something. I couldn't really put my finger on it. It was like losing an old friend. It felt like life was so stagnant and I was dragging my kids and partner down with me.


So, I jumped into The Man Shake way and began with two shakes daily — one for breakfast and one for lunch. I faced many obstacles, including restricting my calorie intake way too much, which backfired. Also, I experienced cravings for sugar and beer because I eliminated these completely at the start. But I looked at myself every day and told myself I was on a journey of constant improvement.

As mentioned, I was very strict with myself in the beginning. I had no snacks in between the shakes and restricted myself to a low-calorie dinner, normally around the 500-600 calorie mark. Just like anyone else who incorrectly goes this hard, I learned very quickly that this is far too low. As my journey progressed, I learned from my mistake and incorporated small snacks into this meal plan. This was the best choice I could have made. I felt like I was back on track and no longer felt sick.

My exercise routine was simple by design. For the first three months, I would walk around 4km each day from Monday to Thursday, giving myself the weekend off to spend time with the family. My routine would increase over time. The walk became a run (to the amusement of my neighbours) and then integrated a rowing machine.

In the beginning, I couldn’t settle on a flavour so I loved the Variety Packs. Now, however, Coffee is my current favourite flavour and my go-to pick.

Currently, I have benched the lunch shake and replaced it with a calorie-controlled lunch. The plan going forward is to keep the breakfast shake, as the ease and use are awesome. I love the taste!

My feeling of the Man Shake is awesome. Hand on chest, it was the only reason I had somewhere to start this journey. If I hadn't stumbled across it, I'm not sure if I would have got this far. Now I am sitting at 77kg. I am happy and motivated again with plenty of energy for the kids. I am now on a nutritionist-set calorie-controlled diet all sculpted around a breakfast Man Shake.

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My words for inspiration are simple. If I (a once overweight 34-year-old with no motivation) can do it, anyone can. I would tell anyone embarking on this journey "You got this". Draw your motivation from the people telling you “You can't". Prove them wrong. Turn it into an "I will" and show the world what you can do.

Finally, I want to thank all the guys in The Man Shakers group for helping me change my life. Even if you didn't know you were. Keep on shaking, lads!