Buzz wanted to be there for his kids so he lost 45kg!

I am Buzz, 38, from Acacia Gardens and I have lost 45kg using The Manshake. I was 138.2kgs now sitting at 93.2kgs
I used to be a fit healthy swimmer back in the day having raced some of the greats swimming had to offer. But after I quit the pool I took up the party life and stopped focusing on my health because Yolo right?
Over the years I was a steady weight in between 80 and 90 kgs but after a while that all stopped and I found myself getting bigger and bigger.
I went on to hit a crazy 138.2kg which is the heaviest I had ever been. I was freaked out, scared at how this could have happened and how I let myself get to this.
Being in the job I was in at the time didn't help either. I was getting minimal sleep, always looking after everyone else's needs and eating whatever I could get my hands on when I could when I wasn't able to eat, which was a recipe for disaster.
Covid came and obliterated my job leaving me more vulnerable and depressed at home.
I didn't want to leave the house let alone get out of bed (not that we could - cue in lockdown).. but I'd eat blocks upon blocks of chocolate because I just didn't care anymore and I loved Cherry Ripes so whatevs.
A friend of mine was offering work so I decided to take it. I had to have a medical and it was at that point I found I had an array of medical issues.
I had extremely high blood pressure, I was pissing blood, I had a massive hernia and I was considered morbidly obese which was very hard to hear them say out loud.
I was told by doctors they would not operate on my hernia unless I lost a significant amount of weight. So I took the necessary steps to start.
I was prescribed duramine which is an appetite suppressant that gives you an overwhelming sense of energy only I had high blood pressure which resulted in a mild heart attack.
So that was a massive eye-opener in the bid to lose weight. I didn't want my kids to not have a father so change was 100 percent necessary.
How long we are going to be a part of this world is unknown but knowing I did the best I could in maintaining my health for the benefit of my family means more than a bag of chips.
I have tried many fad diets over the years that usually always ended up failing me, leaving me starved and bigger than I was on the previous diet. As you see I was ready to give up.
It's great not to feel so weighed down not only physically but emotionally, you feel so much better all around. You can get healthy chips anyway and they taste just as good haha
I saw manshake advertised and had witnessed men like myself achieving ridiculous results so thought I'd give it a good hard crack and see what happens.
Losing all this weight, I am able to do so much more and have tonnes of energy. Most of my clothes don't fit me anymore and I have gone from 5XL to an L. I also don't feel the need to sit down after 5 seconds when mucking around with my kids.
Exercise now is a big deal too. I could barely do 1 pushup when I started. Adding exercise when I started to feel more comfortable only enhanced the results.
I also have brought my blood pressure down, I don't pee blood anymore and I may not even need my hernia operation anymore because it's decreased in size dramatically. I'm also no longer considered morbidly obese. I'm back to the size I was 20 years ago, all around I feel amazing.
The biggest roadblock was most definitely cravings and the energy to continue. I knew that if I gave into my demons though I'd probably end up dead. So I persevered and pushed myself as hard as it was and the more I did it the easier it got.
The temptations for the crappy foods I love - I still ate them I just didn't eat as much ànd over time I found myself eating less of it and more enriched foods.
I still smash pizzas, Burgers, and pasta every now and then because you should never deprive yourself of the things you love. It's more about control and not overdoing it.
With exercise, it was tough because I was not prepared for that and I just wanted to stop but I always thought in my mind if I did 1 more repetition than I did yesterday I can only be better for it. Just a little change in mindset makes a wonder of difference
The Man Shake fits so perfectly into my day, I always come home after my morning swim and have one. Then because I work late it makes for the best dinner because I'm not home to prepare a meal. It's quick, easy, and tastes great. So I can't complain, It has helped me a lot.
The results and proof in the before and afters speak for themselves. The Man Shakes are the real deal when it comes to weight loss.
You just have to trust the process and understand it's not a sprint - it's a marathon to achieve the results you are looking for.
It's so easy to give up when you don't see the results you want asap but if you keep going and ignore then a mindset, guaranteed a year from now you are going to be looking and feeling fantastic.
I have and will not stray from The Man Shake. I believe in the product so much, It gave me new life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The benefits to manshake are so rewarding and you don't even need to give up everything to do so. It's ok to slip too just don't stay on the ground, pick your ass up and keep going because it is worth it. You are worth it! And so is the beer!