How To Increase Your Concentration Levels At Work

Have you ever had one of those days at work where things just seemed to drag on forever?
You know what we’re talking about. The day has just felt like a complete slog and you haven’t been able to get any work done because you keep glancing both the clock and/or your Facebook account.
Losing focus at work is a very common problem amongst men, but there are certain strategies you can use to get your mind back on track. Let’s check them out.
Ditch The Distractions
Yeah, this is an obvious one, but it needs to be reinforced. If you’re a constant social media checker, log your work computer out all your accounts. With two-factor authentication now the norm, it’s becoming a bit of a drag having to re-log back into Facebook, which in a weird way is a plus. Likewise, put your phone away in a locked draw and give the key to a co-worker to return to you at the end of the day.
Exercise More
Science has shown that people who exercise regularly tend to have better concentration levels. With that in mind, try to incorporate a bit of the good stuff into your workday. Get up a little earlier and hit the gym before work or go for a run or walk during your lunch break. Both your body and mind will thank you in the long run.
Take Strategic Breaks
Taking a break might seem counterproductive to blokes who are struggling with their concentration levels, but trust us, there’s method to this madness. If you try to concentrate on a single thing for hours at a time, it’s inevitable that your brain will tire, and your mind will subsequently wander. To combat this, try taking a 10 to 15-minute break for every hour of solid work you do. The regular breaks will refresh your mind and keep you firing for longer.
Studies have shown that meditation not only reduces stress but also increases your memory and attention span. With that in mind, try dedicating a small amount of time in the morning to deep breathing. Some great places to meditate include your home (immediately after waking up), or if you’re a commuter, on public transport. Likewise, if you feel your attention waning at work, try some deep breathing at your desk — it may help you refocus.
Focus On One Task At A Time
Despite modern society preaching the importance of multi-tasking, quite often this phenomenon can be counterproductive. Instead of trying to work on two projects simultaneously, try addressing one at a time. If competing deadlines means you don’t have time to finish one project before moving on to another, make sure you get a decent part of the first one done before moving your attention to the second. Likewise, don’t attempt to listen to music or watch videos while working.
Declutter Your Desk
What’s the old saying about a healthy environment leading to a healthy mind? If your desk is starting to look like a dog’s breakfast, try giving it a mini spring clean before attempting to complete a big work task. That way, you won’t have a bunch of pens, pencils and discarded papers to distract you when you put your nose back to the grindstone.
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