How To Boost Your Mood Without Food
•Mental health

Real talk time. It’s inevitable that there are times when we’re going to feel sad.
The good news is that there are techniques you can use (aside from food) that can help you naturally boost your mood and hopefully overcome your sadness.
Stay Connected
Is there a family member or friend who instantly puts you in a good mood when you talk to them? If so, get in touch by either calling them or sending them a text message. Maybe you could invite someone out for a cup of coffee or a chat. Science has shown that interaction with others is a key component to happiness as humans are inherently social creatures.
Keep Your Brain Occupied
When you’re feeling sad, one thing you can do is dive headlong into an interesting or enjoyable activity. Like to read? Grab a book — these titles are Man Shake founder Adam MacDougall's favourites! Enjoy puzzles? Pull out a 500-piece set and get cracking. Are you a bit of an artist? Find a pen and paper and start doodling. These activities are likely to distract you from your bad feelings.
Volunteer Or Help Someone In Need
One way to help ourselves and lift our mood is to help others who require assistance. If you feel down in the dumps, seek out a neighbour, friend and/or family member who may be doing it tough and figure out how you can help them. Alternatively, reach out to a charity or local organisation who is seeking volunteers. Once you start helping others, it’s likely that you’ll stop focusing on your problems.
Avoid Social Media And Negative News
Unfortunately, the media tends to gravitate towards negative stories. If you’re finding yourself constantly depressed by what’s in the paper and what’s trending on Twitter, just disconnect yourself from it and find something positive to devote your attention to. We recommend a feel-good TV show like Ted Lasso.
Chances are if you’re on this website, you're probably looking to get a little more exercise in your life already. Not only is physical activity beneficial for your body, it’s also pretty great for your mind too as exercise releases endorphins, which are hormones that reduce stress and improve your feelings of well-being. According to Healthline, endorphin release occurs after 30 minutes of exercise, ideally when it’s at a moderate intensity. If you don’t feel like you’re ready for a moderate intensity workout, try going for a walk outside. The fresh air will do you good.
Even five minutes of meditation and deep breathing has been shown to exponentially reduce stress and improve people’s moods. With that in mind, try to find five minutes each day to sit quietly, have a deep breathe and clear all the negative thoughts at of your head. Don’t worry if it doesn’t come naturally, it’s a process and you need to persevere.
Practice Gratitude
In this modern world, it’s very easy to focus on what’s wrong with our lives, rather than what’s right. Gratitude involves focusing on the good things in our lives and then being grateful for it (e.g. shelter, family, access to health care and quality food). We know that this is way easier said then done, but one way to get started is to write a gratitude diary every day in which you list three things you’re grateful for. Once you start focusing on the good aspects of your life, your mood should start to improve,
On a final note, if you are trying these techniques and you still feel down in the dumps, you may want to consider seeking some professional help. There are plenty of trained mental help professionals out there who would be willing to help you out, and services like Lifeline, Black Dog Institute and Beyond Blue.
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