10 Ways To Supercharge Your Weight Loss

Are you struggling to shred the fat around your midriff despite your best efforts.
No worries, we've all been there. With that in mind, here are 10 expert tips to help you boost your weight loss.
The Slog Days Are Over
Steady-state cardio does nothing to shift stubborn midriff fat. University of New South Wales researchers believe you need to swap long runs for sprint sessions to shed your belly faster.
Snooze To Lose
Lack of sleep leads to more than bleary-eyed comfort-eating. Researchers at the University of Chicago found that sleep deprivation blocks your fat cells’ ability to react to insulin, making you more prone to fat storage. To get a better night’s sleep eating foods rich in vitamin B6 such as tuna, chicken or turkey as they increase sleep-hormone production or check out the tips in this blog.
Mind The Munchies
Put the popcorn down, or at least move it to the other side of the sofa. A study conducted by The University of California found that people who were asked to eat snacks with their non-dominant hand while watching TV consumed 30% less than those who used their dominant hand. Based on the average man’s snack consumption, that’s a saving of 63,500 calories a year, or the equivalent of 130 Big Macs.
Reduce The Juice
That orange juice you’ve been told is the perfect start to the day is not as innocent as you think. While fruit juice is perceived as being healthy relative to soft drinks, both are packed with sugar and can lead to weight gain. According to Healthline, 100% fruit juice contains about 110 calories and 20–26 grams of sugar per cup (240 ml). Likewise, they also lack fibre, which means the consumption of fruit juice isn’t likely to make you feel full and alleviate hunger.
Go To The Pub More Often
Don’t misunderstand us, there is a reason why a sizeable gut is sometimes called a beer belly. Alcohol is the worst architect of love handles – slowing your metabolism and adding empty calories. But not all booze calories are created equal. A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that men who drink infrequently but heavily store more fat around their middles than those who drink the same amount in smaller doses. You won’t miss the hangovers or the pot belly.
Burn The Trees
Eat green vegetables for breakfast (think omelette, not cereal topping). They contain a phytochemical called IC3 which will ramp up production of fat-burning testosterone before your morning workout.
Watch the Company You Keep
She’s right. It is your mates’ fault. “Individuals with similar bodyfat levels form groups and social forces drive them to obesity,” say psychologists at the University of Colorado. You don’t have to be a hermit – just partner up with people who have similar fitness goals.
Get On Your Bike
Make cycling your go-to form of cardio for chasing down visceral fat. A study published in the Journal of Physiology showed that cycling for at least 20 miles a week led to a 7% drop in visceral fat and a 7% overall drop in fat around the waistline after eight months.
The 30-Second Fix
If Pilates is good enough for The Rock, it’s good enough for you. Suck in your gut as if you were buttoning a tight pair of jeans then hold for 30 seconds. Repeat five times and you’ll see the difference within two weeks, says Professor Michele Olson of Auburn University.
Ditch the Durries
We all know how bad cigarettes are for your lungs, but apparently, they’re bad for your belly too. According to a study from the Society for the Study of Addiction, “both starting smoking and spending a lifetime smoking cigarettes was associated with an increase in abdominal fat.”
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