Health Changes To Help Boost Your Fertility
•Health hacks

Thinking of having a kid? Awesome, it can be one of life's most rewarding experiences. While raising kids is always hard work, creating them can be almost as taxing (despite what popular culture tells us).
Both men and women can face fertility problems, making attempts to conceive an emotionally taxing experience for both parties. However, there are steps men can take to ensure they are in the best possible condition to become a father.
Eat Fish And Eggs
We already know that fish and eggs can be great for men on a weight loss journey as they are great sources of omega-3 three acids and protein, but research indicates they’re also good for fertility. The omega-3 acids in oily fish have been linked to increased sperm count and mobility, meaning that to make your tadpoles better swimmers, you should consider snacking on salmon, sardines and fresh tuna at least two to three times a week.
Likewise, the zinc, iron and folate found in eggs are also good for your sperm count. That said, before you start loading up on these foods, it’s worth mentioning that these changes may take three months to take effect downstairs and need to be implemented before you try to get pregnant.
Maintain A Healthy Weight
Some recent research has indicated that a high BMI is linked to a decreased sperm count. Conversely, a healthy diet rich in antioxidants from fresh fruit and vegetables has been linked to an increase in the little wrigglers. As if you didn’t need any additional reasons to shed the beer belly!
Get Moving
Yet another benefit of exercise. According to research, the quality of sperm is reduced when dudes are too sedentary. Likewise, exercise boosts your testosterone levels. With that in mind, get moving and start producing some healthy sperm.
Manage Your Stress Levels
To make sure you can continue doing the deed properly while producing healthy sperm, you must try to manage your stress levels, as stress can be a literal downer for your old fella. For tips on how to reduce your stress levels, check out this blog here!
Limit Your Booze Consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to reduced testosterone production and a decreased sperm count. To avoid this issue, medical professionals advise men to limit themselves to a maximum of two alcoholic drinks per day.
Dump The Ciggies
Hopefully, you’re already a non-smoker because cigarettes are bad for you for a myriad of reasons, including fertility. According to research, men who smoke produce 20% less sperm than non-smokers, so if you’re still on the cancer sticks, try to give up ASAP. We have some great tips on how to quit smoking here!
Try To Keep Your Downstairs Area Cool
Sperm production is stifled by warm temperatures. To counteract this, try wearing loose-fitting underwear to ensure that the temperature of your scrotum is lower than that in your abdomen. If you don’t like loose undies, try investing in a set made of a fabric that encourages airflow.
If you have tried these tips and are still not getting the results you desire, we strongly advise you to speak to a medical professional. Additionally, if your struggles to conceive is starting to affect your mental health, please seek help from the likes of Lifeline, Black Dog Institute and Beyond Blue.